Monday 8 June 2020


Writing about gorillas

Gorilla DescriptionRobot gorilla 'spy' captures the first footage of Silverbacks in ...

Watch the video. Write a description of the Gorillas based on the footage that the
Gorilla Robot Spy filmed. Be as detailed as you can be.

Start Writing below:

When it was a sunny day my Family and I went to the zoo together and we had so much fun but then
we couldn’t find my brother and we looked for him everywhere and we could not find but then I was still
trying it is because he is my brother but the last place I haven’t tried the gorilla place and it was
somewhere and then I found him in the gorilla place.

My brother was just looking at the gorillas play and he said “ WOW “ but then I was going to say
something and he said before me and said “ It is amazing right “ and I said back to my brother I said
“ It is and It is so CUTE” so then I was watching the little ones play and they were playing and they were
playing tag it was so funny when they were running.

So one of them went after the other one and I think it is a girl but then I brother said it was a boy so then
we were fighting over it and I won and it was a girl and my brother was crying but then I said “ It is OK
because the one that was chasing after the girl was a boy. So then he whipped his tears and he said
“ Thank you sis “ and I said “ it is OK we were really watching at it and then our family was trying to find
us it is because the sun was going down.

Me and my brother didn’t know that it is because we watching the gorilla and they were having so much
fun so then I wanted to see how they were doing but then we went back home and then we asked to go
back and they said “ No “ it is because we stayed in the gorilla place ad then we explained and they
said “ FINE but don’t run away like that “, so we said “ OK But Can we see the gorillas first it is because
we like the gorillas.

So we had so much at the zoo because we saw the gorillas and we had ice cream and me and my
brother would not leave the gorilla place and then our family said “ or else we won’t come back
“ so we said “ FINE but I want to come back Please “ I was so having fun with the gorilla because
we were talking to each other well in my head I was dreaming it but I am so sad because I didn’t want
to leave it alone.

Me and my brother wanted to see it again but then they had taken the gorillas away so my brother
started to cry because they were his friends it was so fun playing with them when we had the chance.
I really liked it when we were together as friends; they were so happy when they were together. I really
felt sad for my brother because they were his friend but it is true you can’t have friends forever.

Presentation Of Gorilla

4 Facts About Gorilla

Friday 5 June 2020

Certificate Of Basic Facts

This is my certificate of basic facts it is so fun playing it and
it teaches you how to be good at maths and I really like it when
it gives the high scores and I will get a better high score when
I go back on and I could beat the high score I did last time.

Facts About Pompeii



The day Vesuvius Erupted  

This is your last trip out of the Time Machine and it has transported you back to 79AD
(Over 2000 years ago) in Mount Vesuvius.  

Your home is near Mt Vesuvius - What were you doing, thinking and feeling when you saw
the ash cloud suddenly appear?

Complete the diary entry to describe what happened the day the volcano began to erupt.

Start Writing below:

Dear Diary, 
What an unforgettable day!  I was busy collecting water from the well, when the
sun mysteriously disappeared from the sky.

I looked up and saw black clouds covering it and it was raining because the
clouds were black so the whole town went and took cover because there was
lightning too.

Everyone was screaming so loud but I can’t blame them because it was lightning.
Everyone might die from it and that would be sad for everyone that lost their

I was really sad for the town because they were running and some of them were
dying from it but when it was going away it was coming back every morning and
we were so sad because half of the town was broken and the people.

We were so happy when it goes and night time we all had the greatest night but
not the greatest morning 3but then we were praying and praying until the day we
had the clouds disappear and we all were happy but we were sad to because of
our family’s that died.

Thursday 4 June 2020



You have stepped out of the Time Machine and it has transported you back to 1300BC
(Over 3000 years ago) in Tenochtitlan (Capital of Ancient Aztec).  

Write a story about your discovery of one of Aztec’s secrets … CHOCOLATE!

Include these words below in your writing:
Describe Settings:
Describe Characters
Describe Chocolate
Describe Aztec
Line Starters

Valley of Mexico
Strange Spanish speaking

More warlike
Highly civilised


That’s odd, I thought to myself ..

I was running out of time …

It’s all over the news …

The footprints in the grass were fresh …

Start Writing below:

When I was like lets just say if I was like 7 years old when I saw Aztecs on TV it was so weird I
just saw it now and not when I was like 4 but since then I was watching it over and over again on my
computer and it was so nice watching it over and over again.

I liked it but then I had to always clean before I could go on my favourite movie but it wasn’t fair to me
it was not fair but for my parents it was fair for them so I said in my mind that I want to do anything like
watch my favourite movie but I could always go to sleep and dream about it.

So when I always finish my work I would always go and watch it but sometime I am not aloud to play
on it I always go to sleep after my cleaning because I could dream about my favourite movie that was
the best thing that I ever done because I liked it so much I could not sleep until the last episode I was
so sad.

So then I had an Idea I could watch the episode over and over so like 1 week I could watch an episode
for the whole week and then the next week I could watch another episode and it kept on going on and
on so I had the best day of my life I never changed my movie ever.

I liked it when I was watching it but then my nan told me no more chromebook and I was so sad I had
to leave it at home because of my laziness and my nan doesn’t like people that doesn’t clean up when
they are told to but then when I came back home I went to get my chromebook and I watched my last
episode and I was so happy and excited.

The Aztecs Presentation


Facts About Azects